How to configure SSH server for better security?

Default SSH configuration on most Linux distributions is relied on password authentication, which is not that much secure.

Basic steps

  1. Add your public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys:

    mkdir -p ~/.ssh &&\
     chmod 700 ~/.ssh &&\
     cat > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

    (^D to save)

  2. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

    vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    add or update the following settings

     ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
     PasswordAuthentication no
     UsePAM yes
  3. Restart SSH server:

    service ssh restart

Next steps

Add more tweaks to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

  1. Change the SSH server port, set the value for port different from 22

     Port 1022
  2. Important! Before this step set up sudoers first and add ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for the new users!

    mkdir -p /home/SOME_USER/.ssh &&\
     chown SOME_USER:SOME_USER /home/SOME_USER/.ssh &&\
     chmod 700 /home/SOME_USER/.ssh &&\
     cat > /home/SOME_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys

    Login under SOME_USER, not the root! Because we are going to disable login for the root!

    sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    add or update the setting

     PermitRootLogin no
  3. Restart SSH server:

    sudo service ssh restart